It has been a lot of fun in Omanut since we got back from Thanksgiving break! Hard to believe we are just getting finished with Hanukkah and will be on vacation very soon for Winter Break.
I hope that you enjoyed seeing your son or daughter's Gratitude Tree that most students completed and were encouraged to bring home for your family's Thanksgiving meal-- it contained a depiction of their favorite tree in watercolor, as well as members of Judaism's forefathers and matriarchs-- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah-- along with their own family members names and what they were thankful for. Below are some examples.
We continued to have Music with Maya, our wonderful and talented song leader, and Hebrew Through Movement with Tammy and Yardena, who teach a spirited Hebrew session with humor and a whole bunch of fun.
The whole point of creating the art projects that I do around the base of our curriculum (God, Torah and Israel) is to keep pointing out the importance of community, family and connection to Judaism and Jews around the world. I want my students to have conversations with you, to enjoy coming to JQuest, make long lasting friendships, and to remember their time with me this year for many years to come as they continue to get involved with Temple Isaiah and give back to their communities.
For the past week, we have been working on a painting for Natan-Ya, our 'sister' synagogue in Israel, as well as poems for them as a mitzvah project, and to let them know in Israel that we care about them from here in Lafayette, CA. Here is a little peek into some work:
May you all have a lovely Winter Break, from my family to yours!
Looking forward to seeing you all in January.