Saturday, November 21, 2015

Season of gratitude


We have been continuing to work on our drawings that will be photographed and then mailed out to be made into trivets for use/ display in your home. Beautiful work from the students, and they have also written a short paragraph based on their work and why they made the picture that they did...when the trivets are complete, we will have the entire Genesis portion in color trivets! How exciting! I know I am looking forward to that end result very much!
After some students have finished their drawings, I started them on our next project- a watercolor depiction of their favorite tree, with the names of our Jewish matriarchs and patriarchs interspersed among the branches with the names of their family members and words of gratitude that they have for their lives and families, as this special holiday time of year brings about a lot of reflection about all the good that we have in our lives.

As a tiny reminder, please try to to make sure that your child has something nourishing to eat before class on Sundays- while I do have the usual Tues/Wed snacks of pretzels or goldfish crackers, it helps their concentration, creativity and alertness if they have eaten something for breakfast. Thank you so much!

Have a lovely week off for Fall break; enjoy your time together and I want you to know how lucky I feel to have your children in class with me every week! I am very thankful for all of them!
Until next time,

Some snaps from Omanut

Our Jewish Artist of the Week: Helen Frankenthaler 

Color blending / color field pastel work based on Helen's paintings

Monday, November 9, 2015

Continuing Torah stories... Genesis, artists and history!

Fall is here, and we are quickly moving towards Winter as our weekday classes fly by especially fast since it gets so dark much earlier than it had been. at the beginning of the school year! We continue learning about Torah and the stories of Genesis, singing and dancing with Maya and moving around the room, giving each other commands and working with Tammy and Yardena in Hebrew Through Movement. I had mentioned that I have incorporated a Jewish Artist of the Week in my last post, and we have learned about Lee Krasner since then; everyone in class appreciated her bold use of color and shapes!  Our sketch books have had prompts that encourage everyone to think outside the box and draw a piece in the style of that specific artist, aside from trying to jot down different facts about their lives from our discussions. This week we are concentrating on Marc Chagall- who many have referred to as the "quintessential Jewish artist of the 20th century".  I have a feeling that Chagall's  dreamy details and colors that he has utilized in his paintings and glass work will be a focus when we work on glass painting later this semester! It makes me so happy to see everyone excited about new artists and ways that they can expand their focus in their own class work.
Here are a few peeks into our Omanut time together! Enjoy!
Until next time,

We finished our 7 Days of Creation paintings- so beautiful!
Here is a small sample of some of the designs, and work in progress:

We are now creating scenes from the stories of Genesis to be made into trivets, framed in wood. Think about how lovely the trivet will be in your kitchen or placed in your home!

Jewish Artist of the Week