Friday, February 10, 2017

Ahava and tree rings of life to celebrate Tu B'Shevat


How can it be that we are over the half-way mark for our school year at JQuest?! Wow!
Over the past few weeks we have come together in Omanut to put a beautiful 'pop up' art installation on our Temple Isaiah campus-- and it turned out fabulous! Positioned over the outside of our beautiful amphitheater, Ahava ( translated to "Love" in Hebrew) is 6 and a half feet by 9 feet of bright acrylic tempered canvas and it really made a statement, even through all the downpours that we have had! Based on the famed "Love" by artist Robert Indiana (who designed the original Ahava from steel beams in Jerusalem!) we paid homage to this famous outdoor art installation and the Omanut students loved that if they travel to Israel, they could see it in person!

Robert Indiana's Ahava in Jerusalem, done in 1977:

Painting our Ahava:

The finished product! 

Considering it is almost Tu B'Shevat, our birthday of the trees, I designed a Tree Rings of Life project that the kids could do-- and it was very successful! Bright colors of the circles done in oil pastels and water colors, everyone added their own life experiences that were significant to them. Looking forward to putting them up in the hallway and showing the entire work when we have our end of the year Art Show. We are enjoying Yoga, Hebrew through Movement and Music with Eric during the week and Revital on the weekends. We are all very blessed to be able to come together, learn from one another and be the great community of friends that we are. Plant a tree or other wonderful things in honor of Tu B'Shevat- our future generations will thank you!
Until next time...

Here are some pictures from our latest  Hebrew Through Movement classes, learning about the fruits and trees of Israel in Hebrew...

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