Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Community building, Jewish artists & symbols and the upcoming new year!


We have been having a lot of fun in Omanut getting to know one another, and the school year is off to a fabulous start! We established our classroom rules, have created pieces of art based on the work of several Israeli and Jewish artists and have talked about what various Jewish symbols mean in depth.
I found a great book, "50 Jewish Artists you should know", that I have shown to the Omanut classes  and we have worked on a few different short projects in small groups as well as individually, based on some of the artists we talked about so far.

We also talked about what the year will look like in terms of projects and curriculum and decided that we want to put together several 'public art installations' as part of our end of the year Omanut Art Stroll, since I showed the students the following site that made them very excited about the possibilities of what we can do around our beautiful campus- feel free to check out some of the art on the site and see what conversations can be sparked with your child!

Our final one day project that many of the students took home was a personal Tashlich project-- a water color in which they painted whatever they wanted and once it was dry, they wrote a goal for the New Year; something they were sorry for, and something they were happy about/ wished for. My advice to them was to put the water color in a sink of water and see their regrets disappear, and those good wishes to float into the universe to God. I hope they were able to translate that to you, if you wondered what they were doing!

Hebrew Through Movement and Music with Joel continue to be positive additions to our class time, and I will post pictures of the class in action soon!

All the best to you and your loved ones for a sweet, healthy, happy New Year... It is my privilege to be a part of the lives of your talented children who inspire me all the time!
L' Shanah Tovah,

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Shalom and Welcome to Omanut's 2014-2015 school year!

Wow, I am so excited to start the new school year with all the bright and smiling faces of my Omanut students-- most of whom have grown at least a foot over the summer!!  We had a great morning getting to know one another on Sunday after filling up on delicious pancakes and fruit and we are starting Omanut this year designing what I have titled Omanut's Landscape of Creativity that will be similar to our Tree of Life that held our wishes for the new year. This colorful landscape will be filled with Jewish symbols that are important to us, as well as what each student hopes to accomplish this year in Omanut.

All year, my goal within the curriculum will be to design experiences that are responsive to the natural curiosity that the children have. We are building our classroom community and it is my desire that we have a room full of true friends by the close of the year when the  Omanut Art Stroll / Year End Show begins!

As always, feel free to contact me at any time to discuss any ideas or concerns about your child(ren) as I want him or her to have the best experience possible in my class.

Here's to a wonderful year for all of us!

Here are a few pictures of some of the art that will be inspiring us this year as we study Contemporary Israel, Torah (Exodus through Deuteronomy), the Jewish views about God and modern Israeli/ Jewish artists.

The art of Yaacov Agam

Public art in Israel