Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Family program with Judaica artist Aimee Golant and more!

The year continues to fly by and we are having a great time in Omanut! Aimee Golant, the amazing metallurgist and Judaica artist came to our classroom at the end of February to instruct our students and their families in her specialty, working with metal, to demonstrate how we can make our own copper cuff bracelets and it was an incredible day filled with so many family members in our space!
We continue to work on kinetic art paintings based on the famed work of Yaacov Agam and I can't wait for you all to see the fruits of our labor in the Omanut Art Show at the end of the year.
I continue to be amazed by the thoughtfulness and creativity of your children and feel blessed that I get to see them and learn with and from them every week!

Here is a link to Aimee Golant's work, we were so fortunate to have her join us!

Here are some pictures: