Saturday, September 17, 2016

Welcome to Omanut 2016-2017!


We are off to a great start this year in Omanut and I am so excited to see all the old and new faces in class-- we started getting to know one another and sketching about the best parts of our summer before moving into what our favorite Jewish symbol was and what makes Jewish Art and Artists "Jewish"...? Is it a style? Can anyone Jewish be a Jewish artist? Does it have to look like a specific thing?
Along with talking about something that makes us unique as people and as Jews, there was a lot of laughing, smiling, "me too!" and building our community in class. Here are a few snapshots of our time together; we are going to have such a great year!!

Our Omanut "Communi-Tree", with guidelines for class.

 Our first project is about envisioning the most beautiful part of our Sanctuary and using oil pastels and pencil to bring it to life! 

Our first Jewish Artist of the Week: Sonia Gechtoff. We talked about her life and work, looked at some of her pieces online and critiqued what we saw.

 Until next time, everywhere you look can be an insight to your creative spirit! You just have to be open to seeing it!


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